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Display Mesage #110234

final drive
Written by ymibhdu on 1/26/2012 at 03:18 am

I did not need any additional parts when I installed mine. I just had to
transfer a plastic ring from the original final drive to the VT final drive. A
fresh fill of lube and some grease for the splines.

--- In, "Hungry White Boy" <bigphillip79@...> wrote:
> Ok so whats the final verdict here guys?
> Is there anything needed for the swap beyond the final drive? Spacers or
> I also see that the are two visually different final drives for the VT1100:
pre 87 and 87 and up, looks like to 2007. I know I can't use the pre 87 model
cause its a 3 bolt set up. 87 and up all look the same, are they?

Message Thread for message #110234