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Display Mesage #99020

fuel injection
Written by spacetiger_j... on 11/25/2010 at 02:25 am


I looked up the Shadows TB to see what it looks like. Seems Honda went with a
single TP and a split intake manifold. The TB sticks out the side so the air
cleaner can attach to the TB and still have a bit of the old school look.

I don't know how efficient this setup would be. It probably meeters out the
right amount of fuel, but the had 90 turns might keep you from netting
significant HP gains.

I think if you can graft seperate TB's and go with megasquirt you can get a true
FI setup.


--- In, "douglasvanb" <douglas.vanbossuyt@...> wrote:
> It's started... I've begun my research on adding fuel injection to a PC. From
what I've seen so far, it is possible. It will take determination, money, and
me being crazy enough to subject my poor PC's engine to some experimentation.
> As the new Honda Shadow VT750S has fuel injection on-board, swapping that
system onto a PC seems promising. The VT750 shares heritage with our PC800
engines. I was looking at the parts microfiche for our bikes and a VT750S.
Everything on the engine up to where the carbs would bolt on looks the same
(ignoring ours being tuned more "sportily").
> Does anyone have a new VT750S who would be willing to look at the bike and
take some measurements for me? Specifically, the carb insulator boots (or I
guess these would be fuel injector insulator boots?) interest me. They have
different part numbers (PC800: 16211-MR5-670 vs VT750S: 16211-MFE-640).
However, looking at the microfiche they sure do look similar. The big question
is if the tubes that lead into the cylinders are the same size between the
bikes. (Basically where #7 is pointing )
> If they were the same, then it becomes much more reasonable to pursue using
the VT750S fuel injection system. PowerCommander already makes a unit that will
interface with the VT750S Honda ECU which will allow tuning for the higher RPMs
that our bikes use.
> Otherwise, there are several companies that make custom fuel injection systems
or I could do it myself and learn the black arts of fuel management. Obviously,
I'd prefer sticking with Mother Honda, even if the parts weren't exactly made
for our bikes.
> All food for thought anyway...
> Cheers!
> Douglas

Message Thread for message #99020