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Display Mesage #101592

VTA Vario Touring Screen
Written by dff635 on 3/24/2011 at 12:43 pm

I saw that but, I guess the description threw me. I had been looking to get the
extension spoiler but, you are saying that the "replacement upper" works the
same way?

--- In, "sr139fox" <sr139fox@...> wrote:
> I used a MRA replacement upper VarioScreen with attachment hardware. It was
only $85.00 plus shipping. I added a file in the file section on mounting the
extension. I am 6'4" and needed something until I got my clearview windshield.
Overall I am very satisfied with how this has worked. It is still not tall
enough, but has helped a lot and now I really enjoy riding the bike.
> Dave p

Message Thread for message #101592