Headlight bulb change helpWritten by timdearborn on 5/24/2011 at 02:11 amFor a great write-up, including details about the retainer clip - go to the
Files section of the forum and look for "PC800 Headlight Bulb Removal.doc".
-Tim Dearborn
Blue Island, IL, USA
'96 Pacific Coast, "Tuppie", 38K
--- In
ipcrc@yahoogroups.com, "goldwingman40" <goldwingman@...> wrote:
> Dean,
> Go look in the service manual either yours or the on line one. Then look in
the photos section for ones that show the wire retaining clip and how to undo
it. Somewhere there was a writeup on changing the heahlight bulb.
> Fred
> --- In
ipcrc@yahoogroups.com, "chorizoneggs" <deancorbella@> wrote:
> >
> > I pulled off the rubber boot thing and the bulb doesn't want to come out. Do
I twist it? Feels stuck like it might break. Thanks in advance.
> >