Display Mesage #105163

Bleeding clutch and brakes
Written by tomrhoades43 on 6/29/2011 at 05:58 pm
well, got that project done. Wasn't terrible to do.other than my old age which
causes me to tire quickly so job took longer than it should have. No matter
what anyone tells you....getting old sucks.
Clutch side had a lot of grayish crud in the master cylinder, I've seen worse
fluid. Brake side was pretty clean just old fluid. Clutch action is now
smother and te shifting clunk is diminished. Brake side is also much smoother
with more braking power sooner.
Oh and I still can't get that front crash bar cover to go on correctly at the
top seam. Guess I'll have to get used to it.
So far, in less than a month, I have replaced the R/R, battery and bled brakes
and clutch. Oil looks good so it will wait awhile. Maybe over the winter I'll
do the air filter. Bike has only 10k miles on it and plugs were installed in
2008 (records in the trunk) as were fork seals (must have dried out froms
sitting. so, I hope I am done for awhile. Later in July I am going to take it
on a trip from East TN to MD and DE and Northern West Va. Probably put 3 or 4k
miles on it during that 4-5 day trip what with riding with my son and visiting.
Hope it is as uneventful as my triips on the Gold Wing were.