Display Mesage #111256

Speaker grills
Written by obijuanak on 3/13/2012 at 01:14 am
I fabricated my own from 6" round speaker grills. Just measure cut and bend
(mine stood off the panel surface by about 1/4" instead of being flush). Take
your time. A final pass with black spray paint will keep them looking good. Then
I installed them with hot-melt glue. The speaker blanks came of with the use of
a dremel tool and a cutting wheel.
Good luck!
Juan Goula
Fairbanks, Alaska
'90 PC800 - "Hobbes"
'90 XL600V - "Roswell"
'97 VMX1200 - "Silver Surfer"
'07 DR650SE - "Darth Marmot"
'07 Phazer FX - "Spike"
'07 Phazer Mt Lt - "Stretch"