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Display Mesage #116207

Galfer Pads Replaced
Written by Tim Davies on 9/3/2012 at 12:00 am

Some of you may remember in August of 2011 I replaced my OEM brake rotors with Galfer Wave Rotors. Having a PC with a sporty front fender, the cool look is always on display.

I just replaced my pads at 15,394 miles after 13 mo. of riding. Galfer recommends 2mm as the replacement thickness and mine were right on the mark. No I just have to be a good boy and break them in according to Galfer's directions.

Lots of stopping power with these babys:-)

Tim Davies
Seneca Falls, NY
YankeeSmuggler II 1998

Sent from my iPhone 4S

Message Thread for message #116207