Portable CBWritten by lcshepp on 7/21/2007 at 10:02 amHi Coasters,
Keith, Jim (Mortensen), Stacey and the others who responded: Thank you
for your input.
I ended up buying a Radio Shack CB. I've also ordered a Motocomm MC-751
(open helmet) setup. Peter Noeth is making me a cable with a PTT that I
can use with my GL helmet. I will install the Motocomm unit in one of
my flipups, most likely.
Although I have mounted a quarter wave (I think that's right) truck
antenna on my Reid Rack on the '89, I am going to try the rubber whip
antenna that came with the CB first. If that works well enough for
fairly close range use, I will leave the truck antenna at home and use
the luggage rack for my Nelson Rigg Roll Pack. I can get a good week's
worth of clothing in that little bag which will help next summer.
Stacey reminded me that he used such a portable setup on the PCH ride a
couple of years ago and he and Roy Coss were able to easily talk back
and forth.
Thanks again, everyone.
Leland Sheppard
Placerville, California, USA
...Life is good on the Pacific Coast...
'94 Pacific Coast, "Black Beauty", 206,500 miles
'89 Pacific Coast, "Shadow Dancer", 100,975 miles
'90 Pacific Coast, "Red Baron", 78,500 miles
'96 Pacific Coast/SuperSport sidecar, "Handsome Hannigan", 27,200 miles
'02 Ural Patrol, "Boris Blueanov", 13,950 kilometers
'89 GB500, "Little Bugger", 13,275 miles
'02 GL1800, "Copper", 29,675, '07 Aspen Classic, "Copper's Camper"
'04 Helix, "Miss Bee", 775 miles (breaking in for my roommate)
iPCRC #72; IBA #10582; AMA #481368
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