Luggage rackWritten by inflatablebo... on 7/11/2009 at 02:01 pmDavid,
I'm a new member and a new owner of a '97 PC and need a rack. I saw the
Reid Rack and appeared that it would to bolt up to the bolts under the
pull-up cover on the back of the seat rest on my bike. I searched Reid
Rack and came up with your post.
Do you still have one available?
Tim <>
--- In, "David Landsberger" <dlandsberger@...>
> If any of you are interested I have THREE of the small rack that we
> made. They are like the REID rack but made of expoxy coated steel.
> You must have a Hondaline backrest to attach it to, and it is too
> for any top case -- but if you want a little extra place to bungee a
> small bag or a few things -- check it out in the Photo Section under
> Accessories -- New Rack.
> Cost is $84 which includes postage.
> When these 3 are gone, they are gone, we will not be making them again
> David