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Display Mesage #85936

Reid Rack....?
Written by gibinmich on 7/13/2009 at 01:57 pm

--- In, "inflatableboats4less" <tim@...> wrote:
> I'm a new member of this board and a new owner of a '97 PC and need a
> quick and easy luggage rack that would bolt up to the bolts under the
> pull-up cover on the back of the aftermarket back rest on my bike. While
> wandering around the IPCRC site I saw mention of the Rapid Rack,Reid
> Rack,and Prototype Racks by David Landberger. It looks like one of these
> would be perfect for this mechanically challenged senior citizen
> If anyone has one of these available for sale, advice or opinions, or
> any source information please contact me...thanks in advance...
> TIM 877-253-3947
> <>
I thought about making a small rack that would use the backrest pad mounts but
then came to the conclusion that I really didn't need more storage anyway. I
think you could go to Home Depot or Lowes and get some flat stock, drill some
holes, bend it in the vise and bolt it on. It might not be pretty but with
something strapped on, who cares? You will also need longer screws which both
stores carry, just make sure they are metric. I have a small fanny pack that I
strap to the backrest and it rest on the tail piece. I just use some blue
masking tape on the tail to protect the paint and it peels off easy.

Message Thread for message #85936