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Display Mesage #85953

Reid Rack....?
Written by dlandsberger2 on 7/13/2009 at 09:54 pm

My rack duplicated the Reid pattern. I made about 20 of them and they were all
sold. I BELIEVE some people who bought them wanted to resell them -- if so they
should contact you.

--- In, "inflatableboats4less" <tim@...> wrote:
> I'm a new member of this board and a new owner of a '97 PC and need a
> quick and easy luggage rack that would bolt up to the bolts under the
> pull-up cover on the back of the aftermarket back rest on my bike. While
> wandering around the IPCRC site I saw mention of the Rapid Rack,Reid
> Rack,and Prototype Racks by David Landberger. It looks like one of these
> would be perfect for this mechanically challenged senior citizen
> If anyone has one of these available for sale, advice or opinions, or
> any source information please contact me...thanks in advance...
> TIM 877-253-3947
> <>

Message Thread for message #85953