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Display Mesage #90602

Paint touch-up
Written by docta96 on 2/10/2010 at 04:42 pm

For what it is worth, nail polish comes in an almost infinite range of colors
and hues, and decals/stickers are often useful.....especially for lazy folks
like me....
----- Original Message -----
From: keithk2222
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: PC800: Paint touch-up

I've got a real nasty scratch on the side of my trunk lid.
Looks like it goes all the way thru the paint and primer to the plastic. 'bout
3/32 wide and 4" long.
Any tips on touching that baby up good enough to not notice from a short
I've thought about ordering a custom touch-up pen, but, I'm not sure how it
will do. Ive heard the "pearl white" paint is very hard to match and blend.

'89 PC (Luther)
Austin, Tx

Message Thread for message #90602