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Display Mesage #92358

Desirous Of Clutch Spring Measurements
Written by ascterransin on 4/18/2010 at 02:57 am


I picked up my stock clutch springs today and just measured them. They all did
appear to be 38mm long. Geez the service limit of 36.5mm, 1.5mm difference, is
only about the width of the flattened spring end.

The diameter appears to 18mm or using the coin measurement system, falls exactly
between the diameter of a penny and a dime. I'd peg it closer to the dime
(officially 17.91mm vs the penny at 19.05mm).

Unfortunately I couldn't contrive of a compression measurement as requested. I
tried several different systems but nobody else recognizes the STFU measurement
unit yet (Steve's Thumb & Forefinger Unit- and you thought it was what?) and now
the dogs are all hiding from me and I have a gallon of spilled milk in the

My friction disks haven't come in yet so I haven't have the chance to see what
my worn springs measured up to or if they equal the 5 STF of compression the new
ones do.

Steve Johnsen
Matchbook Cover Engineering Park, VA
'94 PC800 "Baiku"

Message Thread for message #92358