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Display Mesage #92693

...horn upgrade suggestions?
Written by nataharli on 4/28/2010 at 11:36 pm

Hi, Leland and Doug...

The air horns I have on Nataharli are WOLO brand. They were $19 at a local
discount auto parts store. They do indeed have two trumpets, but they're only
something like four and five inches long.

The compressor is mounted to the inboard side of the left-hand mirror mount. The
two trumpets are zip-tied to the cowl stay, one behind each of the two "speaker
locations" in the dash, with the bells of the horns pointing downwards towards
the headlight.

These horns have been on the bike since fall of 2001, and no issues so far,
except for a tendency to rattle off one of the female spade connectors on the
bottom of the compressor when I spend time riding rough roads in a sporting
fashion (like the Lost Coast on the PCH ride every September)! Otherwise,
they've been bulletproof.

Dean Williams
Eugene, Oregon

98 PC800 "Nata Harli" ... in glorious yellow
IPCRC / IBA member

--- In, "Leland C. Sheppard" wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> > Now if only our bikes had more power, I'd put some trumpets off of a
> > semi truck on my bike. :-)
> >
> > Does anyone know of other options? I'd love to get together a list of
> > possibilities for my links page.
> While you don't have the air setup to do truck size horns (now that I've
> said that I will find out that someone has done it...), the PC WILL
> support moderate size (12 inch length or so) electric trumpet air horns
> and they put out a pretty nasty blast...
> Dean Williams, is it you that has a pair?
> Leland
> --
> Leland Sheppard
> Placerville, California, USA
> ...Life is good on the Pacific Coast...
> '94 Pacific Coast, "Black Beauty", 211,500 miles
> '89 Pacific Coast, "Shadow Dancer", 117,625 miles
> '90 Pacific Coast, "Red Baron", 105,200 miles
> '96 Pacific Coast/SuperSport sidecar, "Handsome Hannigan", 31,150 miles
> '02 Ural Patrol, "Boris Blueanov", 15,250 kilometers
> '89 GB500, "Little Bugger", 13,692 miles
> '02 GL1800, "Copper", 55,500, '07 Aspen Classic, "Copper's Camper", 1,545
> iPCRC #72; IBA #10582; AMA #481368
> Mother of all PC800 Web Site Lists:

Message Thread for message #92693