Next question and an introWritten by lcshepp on 5/17/2010 at 04:21 amHi Karen,
Welcome to the ranks of PC owners. You picked a great bike.
Regarding tail bags and the PC, lower wider bags are easier to deal
with, IMHO. I can X bungee them using the passenger grab rails and it
works like a champ.
Can you lay the T-bag down and crossways on the back seat? You could X
bungee it down that way as well.
I just look for the bungee cords with the large thick plastic covered
hooks on the end. With a little coaxing, they will go round the grab
rails just fine.
Sounds like you either have a Reid rack (aluminum) or a Landsberger rack
(black powder coated steel) attached to the back rest. I use that rack
mainly for bungee points but lighter camping gear and such can also be
bungeed to it. About a 10 pound limit.
Also, Athena Salsig makes a dandy set of trunk liner bags for the PC.
Honda used to make them but stopped years ago. Athena picked up the
slack with her fine bags. She may be lurking on the list.
I haul much of my stuff IN the trunk either using trunk liners or just
by packing it in.
Ride safe.
Leland Sheppard
Placerville, California, USA
...Life is good on the Pacific Coast...
'94 Pacific Coast, "Black Beauty", 211,500 miles
'89 Pacific Coast, "Shadow Dancer", 117,625 miles
'90 Pacific Coast, "Red Baron", 105,200 miles
'96 Pacific Coast/SuperSport sidecar, "Handsome Hannigan", 31,150 miles
'02 Ural Patrol, "Boris Blueanov", 15,250 kilometers
'89 GB500, "Little Bugger", 13,692 miles
'02 GL1800, "Copper", 55,500, '07 Aspen Classic, "Copper's Camper", 1,545 miles
iPCRC #72; IBA #10582; AMA #481368
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