Front fender issueWritten by goldwingman40 on 6/20/2010 at 03:36 amMike & Mac,
For your info, one person modified a ST1100 fender and modified the PC front
fender brackets to hold it, also someone did put the complete front end off a
ST1100 on a PC so he could get rid of the 17" tire and go to a more common 18".
Also several have changed the front fender . One replaced the forks with a later
set and small fender. I modified a early Yamaha R1, 1999-2001, and made aluminum
brackets to mount it on my 89 PC forks, repainted to match. Dan Burrell modified
some aftermarket fenders and made brackets for a few people, I think the fender
he used was from J C Whitney and is no longer available, not sure.
--- In, "woodshed48" <woodshed48@...> wrote:
> Sometime this winter an unknown object caused cracking in the right side
fender assembly of my '89 PC. It broke out a piece of plastic that has the
rubber rain guard assembly and some spider cracks course up through the side in
about 3 places.
> I'm wondering if that would be a good project to try out PLASTEX on, even if I
cannot easily repaint the "public" side of it.
> I read a long time ago, and of cannot find it, that someone used a different
front fender because they felt that the bike's handling improved. So I'm
wondering if that might be an easier route to take to repair.
> Any thoughts?
> Mike
> '89 PC, almost 47,000
> *Paco Blanco*