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Display Mesage #94396

Written by emmettmarrone on 6/23/2010 at 04:22 pm

Hi folks,
I just got back from a four day ride and want to say that the liner bags that I
purchase from Athena salig were great, despite some over stuffing, they fit well
and I did't feel like I was living out of a gym bag while packing and unpacking
several times during the trip. When I got to my friend's house, I was greeted
out side and when I opened the trunk and just grabbed my liner bags my friend's
response was, How Cool is that. I don't know her except to buy from her but as
a trip report on luggage, they get a thumbs up from me.
PS: first time using them, never saw OEM liners but these fit perfect and
match my '90 PC's color.

Message Thread for message #94396