Display Mesage #95002
Car Tire Action Photos
Written by shotcoy on 7/14/2010 at 03:05 am
We(my brother and I) attended the Deal's Gap/Smoky Mtn. Weekend event July 9th
- 11th. We had a great time touring some of the best routes in the USA. Thanks
again to Tim and all the others in attendance. The BFGoodrich TA radial mounted
on the rear of my pc hit 13,000+ miles during the trip(this trip was about 1400
miles total). We rode the dragon 3 times. For those of you that are interested,
my dragon pics are available for free viewing at killboy.com and
us129photos.com. To see the killboy pics, go to killboy.com and click on "Our
Store". This will take you to the calendar page, on which you click on July
10(your deal's gap photos). Then click on touring bikes. My pics are numbers
24-29(page 1), 170-175(page 5), and 222-228(page 7). The right peg was scraping
in pics 29, 226, and 227. To see the us129 pics, go to us129photos.com and click
on purchase photos. Then click on The Dragon July 10th Saturday. Then click on
Tour & Sport Tour. My pics are 363-374(page 13), 625-630(page 21), and
640-651(page 22). That is me on the '95 black pc800 with the red T-shirt and
black helmet on. This TA radial provided me with a great smooth trouble free
ride throughout the trip. It handled the dragon with ease!! I am looking forward
to the Amish Country ride at the end of the month. Enjoy fun and safe riding!!
Dave "YT" Hoover(aka-shotcoy)