Fuel Filter - auto part store replacement?Written by c172myp51 on 7/17/2010 at 12:22 amGot a Gold Wing Filter at the Honda shop for $3.99...parts person looked it up &
said that despite not being made by Honda, it would fit the PC800. It didn't.
It looked virtually identical, but the openings where the fuel hoses fit were
different sizes!
I hate to spend $21 on a genuine Honda piece of plastic & paper, but with the
great performance boost I received instantly after installing, it's more than
worth it.
My dealer had them in stock.
Hershey, PA (I use Lancaster Honda for anyone in the area)
--- In
ipcrc@yahoogroups.com, "tim" <pc800_97@...> wrote:
> --- In
ipcrc@yahoogroups.com, "pc800dork" <dokiedo@> wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone found a fuel filter that will work that is available at the local
auto parts store?
> >
> > I haven't looked at it lately, but I assume it's a metal inline filter?
> >
> same filter as a goldwing your dealer will have it