Display Mesage #95654

Highway bar setup info
Written by dice3232 on 8/5/2010 at 02:30 am
Here is the info on the highway bar setup I have on my PC:
Metric Thunder website (metricthunder.com) - Kuryakyn brand symbol
Kuryakyn 1" Magnum Clamp - part # 7940 each $22 x 2 = $44
Kuryakyn Long Right Angle Mounts - part # 4503 (pair) = $45
Right angle mounts allow lots of flexibility in peg placements because they can
be adjusted along two axes allowing cruise peg installation on engine guards
that slope inward, outward or diagonally.
Kuryakyn Iso SweptWing Pegs - part # 4463 (pair) = $81
Kuryakyn makes lots of different model pegs that can be used instead of these if
you prefer a different style or size, but they must have the male insert that
fits the mounts.
Total = $170 (free shipping for orders over $149)
plus add cost of 3/4" Hanger Iron Pipe Wrap - roll = $5
used to build up the 7/8" bars to 1" so the 1" Magnum Clamps will hold in place
- they don't make a 7/8" size clamp
Sorry for taking so long to respond, but I hope this info helps.