Display Mesage #97595

More & more impressed
Written by elden_miller_96 on 10/4/2010 at 07:12 pm
Since I bought my PC late last fall I have been using it 100% for commuting. All
below 45 mph and all on city streets and traffic. Been doing a lot of catch-up
maintenance, just to bolster my confidence in the bike. This weekend I had an
opportunity to take it out on the open road for its first road trip after
getting the charging system all tuned up. Mostly open interstate with 75 mph
limit. I found the PC to be absolutely amazing. It seemed to be most happy at 80
mph. It would effortlessly run up past 90 during passing drills. I think it
could have ran all day at 80. The more I ride my "Rat'ole", the more impressed I
am with it. Even with a lot of wind out on the Colorado plains, she did great.
Mileage did suffer a bit. I averaged 46.3 mpg over the 200 mile round trip. Even
the grooved pavement did not seem to bother her. I sure am glad I picked the PC
as my first ride after being away for over 33 years. I am one happy camper!