Shark Radio?Written by dave_hiett on 1/5/2011 at 05:34 amAnyone have any experience with the Shark 100 watt radio? They make a 250 Watt
version also, but I figure that might tax our electrics. On Amazon there's one
listed for only $44, others for $77. Reviews are all 4 and 5 star. No AM, but
has FM, MP3 port, and is small enough (2.5x3.5x1.75) to fit in a lot of places
on the PC. Comes with waterproof speakers that look like they are meant for
handlebar mounting, but could probably rig up another arrangement. Just
wondering if anyone's tried it! Oh heck, it's cheap enough that if I don't hear
anything I'm tempted to be the guinea pig.\
f=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1294204483&sr=1-3Dave Hiett